The PTA organizes and sponsors several events throughout the year to enrich the student's educational experience. Explore some of the many programs the PTA brings to our schools each year.

Pleasant Ridge Science Fair
The Pleasant Ridge Science Fair is a chance for our students to investigate, create and demonstrate a scientific principle to friends and families at school.
How will students select topics for their Science Fair Project?
Students are free to choose any topic they are curious about investigating! To provoke some thought, below are some of the Units of Study we cover at Pleasant Ridge.
Forces and Interactions
Weather & Climate
Engineering & Technology
Earth systems: Processes That Shape the Earth
Structures & Properties of Matter
Matter & Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
International Night
Hallo - Marhaba - Grüß Gott - Zdraveite - Nǐ hǎo - Hello - Bonjour hyvää päivää - Cześć - Zdravstvuyte - xin chào - Merhaba - Hallå
International Night is an annual event held at Pleasant Ridge that kicks off with a parade of our families representing the country of their choice. Classrooms are set-up as countries, showcasing unique food and activities. This is our most popular family event of the year!

Fall & Spring Book Fairs
Browse categories of books, search for a specific title, or filter by age and price. Now everyone can participate! Encourage your child to create an online wish lists to share with family and friends. While browsing, check out the teacher wish lists- books make fabulous gifts!

Holiday Helper
The long standing Holiday Helper program assists families in need within Lyon and Pleasant Ridge community by providing children with outerwear, holiday gifts, books, and gift cards. Community members donate new items. The gifts are distributed before the holidays.

Annual Benefit
Each year the PTA hosts the Annual Benefit which is the PTA's largest fundraiser of the year. The event is held locally and is open to all LY/PR parents. We hope you can join us in March for this fun event!

Also from the PTA:
Kids Heart Challenge
Teacher Appreciation Week
5th Grade Picnic Celebration
Literacy Alive
Author Visits
New Parent Coffee
Popsicles in the Park
Family Bingo Night
Family Movie Night
Family Ice Skating Event
Character Counts and more!