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Free Movie Screening of Screenagers - Elementary Edition


The Lyon/Pleasant Ridge PTA and Youth Services of Glenview/Northbrook are partnering to host a community showings of the documentary, “Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition,” the new version of the original Screenagers movie that addresses issues that elementary school aged kids, parents and educators are facing – smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures and exposure too young.  Explore how tech time impacts kids’ development and find solutions for empowering kids to navigate the digital world and find balance.  Families are welcome to the screening.  Anyone under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.  

Screenagers - Elementary Edition Trailer

Screenagers - Elementary Edition Official release date: 09/03/2024.

Runtime Original Version: 55 minutes

Event Information

Date:  Thursday, November 14, 2024

Time: 7-9pm, Doors open at 6:30pm.  


Location: Norman E. Watson Auditorium

Glenbrook South High School

4000 W. Lake Avenue

Glenview, IL 60026

Free parking is available.   This event is free and open to the public.   

The Lyon/Pleasant Ridge PTA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit volunteer organization. Our primary mission is to gather additional resources from the community to support educational programs, extracurricular activities, and infrastructure improvements that fall outside the school’s budget. Additionally, we strive to foster a strong sense of community within the Lyon/Pleasant Ridge school district.

Lyon and Pleasant Ridge PTA

Glenview, Illinois 60025

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